Backflow Assembly Testing


Backflow testing is a process that is used to test your plumbing, irrigation and fire line backflow system to make sure that drinking water is not being contaminated by dirty water infiltrating the water supply through back-siphonage or back-pressure. Backflow systems are usually on the bottom of peoples “to do” list, that’s where we come in. Rainier Professionals employ licensed backflow assembly testers that are efficient, communicable and experts in the backflow industry. Our Technicians will be able to locate backflows, repair backflows, and complete accurate reports that our Technicians will send directly to the local water district keeping you compliant, and headache free. At Rainier Professionals, we take pride in protecting your future.

Why choose sprinklers for a house?

Fires kill nearly 4,000 people each year in the United States. Most of these deaths (78.3%) occur in homes. Fire Sprinklers provide an additional level of protection to increase the safety of your family from the devastating effects of a fire. Some people believe that smoke detectors are enough but smoke detectors coupled with a sprinkler system significantly increase your chances of surviving a fire in your home. In fact, according to the Home Fire Sprinkler Coalition (HFSC), “installing both smoke alarms and a fire sprinkler system reduces the risk of death in a home fire by 82%, relative to having neither.” Fire in the same room with and without fire sprinklers.

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(206) 539-2122


Common Questions with Common Answers.

Do fire sprinklers go off by accident?

It is extremely uncommon for a fire sprinkler system to go off without warning or reason. Setting off a sprinkler head, either a heat source is required or a very hard knock that displaces the sprinkler head’s fusible link, or glass trigger.

How does a fire sprinkler system work?

Sprinklers installed in a building's walls and ceiling store water within pipes. The sprinkler heads have a fusible link that melts from the heat given off by a fire. When this melts away, it opens up the sprinkler, which sprays evenly to ensure the flames are extinguished.

Will smoke set off a fire sprinkler system?

Absolutely not - this is a common myth. As mentioned before, a sprinkler system needs a close heat source to set it off, usually around 70°C (158°F).

Contact Us

Seattle, WA

(206) 539-2122